Archive for the ‘NBA’ Category

The Curious Case of Pau Gasol

May 11, 2011

We all gathered around the television.

We were witnesses. No, not to LeBron James and his pseudo-heroism. No, not to President Obama’s speech about the death of Osama Bin Laden.

We were witnesses to the mysterious case of  Los Angeles Lakers’ All-Star forward, Pau Gasol.

His change wasn’t swift like swinging of an ax. It wasn’t abrupt like a green light turning straight to red. It was gradual. (more…)

Where Do We Go From Here?

May 6, 2011

The Los Angeles Lakers are down 0-3 to the Dallas Mavericks.

I never thought that those words would be arranged like that in a sentence.


As I write this, the chorus of “Where Do We Go?” by hip hop artist Talib Kweli invades my mind. Its words reverberate louder and louder, until I can’t think of anything else.

Where do we go? What do we say? What do we do?
Nowhere to turn, nowhere to run and there’s nothin new
Where do we go for inspiration?
It’s like pain is our only inspiration (more…)

“Energy…Officiating…Steve Blake…”

May 6, 2011

Editor’s note: If for some reason the post isn’t properly spaced, I apologize. I tried many times, even triple spacing, and it didn’t change. I apologize.

I received an e-mail that I didn’t see in time to make my Cinco de Mayo Mailbag. Once I read it, I knew that I had to respond. I purposely avoid writing posts about the Los Angeles Lakers after they lose. I’m a fan of the team, so when they lose, I’m a whirlwind of emotions that I don’t want to put into words because it might not be what I truly believe, but instead what I am feeling at the time. Like they say, cooler heads prevail. But this e-mail raises some important questions and leaves some holes that allow for creative inclusion for the respondent. That’s me.

Energy…Officiating…Steve Blake…..
I’m honestly having trouble forming words.
………………What the eff?
-Every Laker Fan

Cinco de Mayo Mailbag: Music, Film, NFL Draft, and NBA Playoffs

May 5, 2011

It’s been roughly over five months since my last Mailbag, and I dare say, it couldn’t come at a better time. I was starting to feel boxed in with all the serious posts that I have been writing. I get a certain pleasure from writing them, but it’s different than writing the comical pieces like the one you’re about to read.

I want to thank my readers, fans, and friends for sending their questions in.

Disclaimer: the thoughts and views expressed in the e-mails sent to me are in no way the thoughts and views of the writer of this piece. They are real e-mails from real people around the world.

As always, this will be in Q & A format, and I will be referring to myself by my initials- A.B.

Q: Love, when spelled backwards and read phonetically, reads evil. Don’t do drugs, don’t have unprotected sex, don’t be violent. Leave that to me. Somewhere deep down there’s a decent man in me, he just can’t be found.    (more…)

Dear Epic Mess Fans

May 4, 2011

Hi there,

(In Troy McClure voice) I’m Anthony Burrola. You might remember me from such blogs as, “Defending Chris Bosh” and the timeless “The Case Against Dynasties.” If you knew me before I was blogging at, then you probably know that once in a while I enjoy writing Mailbags. They are a lot of fun, and my readers, most of whom are famous, tend to take time out of their busy days to vent to me, ask me questions, make comments, or even seek advice. While I am no Miss Cleo, Dr. Phil, Jesus Christ, or the Easter Bunny, I have been known to deliver the goods.


Derrick Rose Wins 2010-2011 MVP

May 3, 2011

Congratulations, but 113 out of 120 votes is a little extreme. Let’s see how he fares in blog land.

In case you were wondering, I voted for Dwight Howard…

Till next time.

In Kobe’s Defense

May 3, 2011

If you think that Kobe Bryant is not officiated differently than other elite players, then you will not agree with the rest of this post. If you find that this is you, then stop reading now, or continue reading at your own discretion.

I learned a long time ago that nobody is ever going to completely agree with you. Even if they appear to, their reasons might be different. If their reasons are the same, they might reach a different conclusion. It’s impossible. My purpose, then, in writing pieces like this is not to convince you to believe what I believe. That’s impossible. Instead, my goal is to bring to light an aspect of professional sports that Laker fans have been forced to accept for the better part of the last five years and, in the process, vent my frustrations.

Proceed at your peril. (more…)

Eastern Conference Semi-Finals Preview

May 2, 2011

I’m a little upset that I missed the pair of opening games on Sunday, but sometimes life gets in the way.

Fortunately for both you and I, only one game has been played in any series. I can still make my predictions, and they were only minutely affected by the outcome of today’s games. Let’s start with the East.

5. Atlanta Hawks v. 1. Chicago Bulls

Both teams revealed a lot about themselves in the first round of the playoffs. The Bulls, fresh off their first 60-win season since the Michael Jordan days, struggled to put away the sub-.500 Indiana Pacers. The Hawks pulled off the only upset East of the San Antonio River Walk by defeating the Orlando Magic, knocking them out of the playoffs, and all but assuring that D12 will not be a Floridian for much longer. (more…)

Out of Town

April 29, 2011

I’m going out of town for the weekend, so come back here on Monday and I’ll have some fresh updates for you.

Have a wonderful weekend, and don’t forget to catch the Spurs @ Grizzlies tonight, or Celtics @ Heat on Sunday.


Till next time.

Chat With Anthony Burrola

April 28, 2011

My first-ever Live Chat in its entirety.


Live Chat With Anthony Burrola